Cats also donate blood

I never thought about it until it helped us: a kitten, Angel, has needed one transfusion and it saved her life. In that circumstance I learned that for cats there is no AVIS type service, and not even the pharmaceutical companies deal with blood or blood products. Since that day there have been many donors. Our progenitor Bono donated up to 10 years, Flirty up to 8 and a half ... We asked all our friends to have their very lucky and very healthy Leonese do a blood screening, many of them made themselves available and became proud of their little heroes.
The cat has none side effect, they do all the analyzes before donating and this has allowed us to have early diagnoses of problems that had not yet manifested themselves. It allows us to say that our breeding is FIV Felv exempt, because every donation is tested for infectious diseases and in 8 years nothing has ever been found. but above all it makes us feel proud to be able to give back to the world of cats something important compared to what cats give to us, and knowing that we have saved a feline life is a lot, a lot, for us.
If you can, donate too. No we do it here https://www.facebook.com/medicinatrasfusionalevetunibo