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The females

Hic Sunt Leones Gaya


Daughter of  Hic Sunt Leones Cindy Lauper and Hic Sunt Leones Figaro, born on April 5, 2021, was highly desired. Mom made us very proud by becoming National Winner in Belgium in 2019 and the father is a descendant of lines  very important for our selection. She is a Black  Silver Tortie blotched with white,  heir to great-grandmother Flirty e   Great-grandmother Ziva, with great-grandfather Jonny's genes inside ...  in her 10 years of our selection work  and our passion for this breed.  Smart and naughty, we hope she behaves well on the show!

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Raffaella Olimpian *RU


After a lot of searching, she is finally with us! Thanks to Yulia Chugunova for entrusting this marvel to us. The character is so  affectionate that  you fall in love and she passes it onto her  children entirely. She has a blue silver ticked with white coat that gives her a unique charm,  beyond  being silky and  brilliant. Textbook profile and chin, beautiful ears and  the tail that completes the image  of a luxury young Maine coon beauty ! The look is deceiving: it seems  cold and  glacial while she is very sweet and sunny. 


Hollycoon Ekaterina II Alekseevna


When Andrea Amaroli  by IT*Hollycoon offered us this kitten we were immediately delighted to welcome her into our  home.  At the beginning  very shy with us then she chose Gianni as her reference, whereas with the other cats she immediately acclimatized and formed a good bond, based on the game and the  snuggles. She has a beautiful texture coat,   long and silky,  the pure white  with  just enough brown to give it  a perfect balance of color. Very balanced and precise head in the details of the standard.


Here Are Lions Gloria Gaynor

Daughter of Diamante and Chris Corne ll , born on December 21, 2021, she is a brown ticked with white.

A wonderful head, a very defined ticked tabby , she has all the right characteristics to pass on to her puppies.

Gloria Gaynor

Here Are The Lions Jackie O'

Daughter of Erin Brockovich and Chris Cornell , born on March 13, 2022, she is a gorgeous black smoke.

The color makes her unique in our breeding panorama, and will allow us to develop very particular color lines.

Jackie O'

Here Are Lions Josette

Daughter of Diama nte and Febo , born on July 5, 2022, she is a gorgeous solid mingled tortie.

With a color like that, and parents like that, we expect nothing less than gorgeous, healthy puppies!


Hollycoon Liriel

Another fruit of the collaboration with Andrea Amaroli of Holl ycoon is this female, born on 22/3/23.

The coat is something spectacular, both in terms of the contrast of the silver and as a mackerel pattern.

We expect it will allow us to further improve the quality of our silvers!

Hic Sunt Leones Linda Hamilton

Linda was born on 5/26/23 and is the daughter of Grizab ella and Feb o, and is named after the actress who played Sarah Connor in the Terminator film series.

This red silver with white collects the legacy of mother Grizabella, and let's see in which direction she will grow.

Here Are Lions Light

Cindy Lau 's granddaughter for and Chris Cornell , born on March 4, 2023, is a beautiful tortie with white .

Its main feature is its size, in addition to the classic Hic Sunt Leones typing.     which also makes her look good in shows.

Let's see how the little girl grows!

Soul Line The Beauty

The collaboration with Silvia Ma gli of Soul Line led to this puppy, born on 11/7/23 and daughter of our Gin Fizz and granddaughter of Dexter .

This tortie with white is almost unreal in beauty, type and size. She has already had a very respectable show career, and will certainly be a further step forward in the evolution of our lines.

The Ages of Lulu

A somewhat unusual name for this black silver, born on 8/18/24 and heir to mother E rin .

His very contrasting coat and size give hope for a good future both in shows and breeding.

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